In our previous post Solution For Hair Loss, we discussed various causes and symptoms of male pattern baldness. Hair loss in men is the first and foremost symptom of baldness. If you have excessive hair fall, you need to take action as soon as possible. The earlier you start to stop hair fall, the more hair you will not be able to save. See about Winter Hair Care Products for Men.
In this post, we will learn :-
- Male Pattern Baldness Solutions
- Hair loss treatment for men
- how to stop hair fall for men
How to stop hair loss in men:-
1. Have a healthy and protein-rich diet
A healthy diet can work wonders for your hair. Fish is a high protein diet that is rich in food. And soy promotes hair growth and helps curb hair loss. One also needs nuts and seeds since they are packed with vitamin E and healthy fats. Your hair is healthy and strong.
2. Take vitamins for hair loss in men
Vitamin deficiency is a primary cause of hair loss in men. Therefore, you need a vitamin-rich diet and supplement multivitamin with the former vitamin H now it is considered a part of the B complex vitamin. Formerly Vitamin H is now considered to be a part of B complex vitamin – Vitamin H or B7- is an important factor in growth and maintenance of healthy hair. A hair loss can occur if you are deficient in an earlier vitamin H that is now considered a part of the B complex vitamin. Vitamin A helps regulate the synthesis of retinoic acid in the capillaries. Vitamin B hair loss helps reduce stress levels. In addition, vitamins C, D, and E help the body maintain the nutrients it needs for good health.
3. Drink lots of water
Dehydration can stop hair growth. Since your pores are made up of about 25% water. If you think so, it will get weaker. Therefore, it is important for healthy and strong hair to drink enough water.
4. Avoid smoking and drinking
Drinking alcohol smokes blood flow if the result is your pores. Excessive causes include persistent dehydration as well as malnutrition. So they cause more hair loss to people.
5. Exercise regularly
Exercise promotes hair growth, as it is a proven stress reliever that promotes blood circulation and good health.
6. Regularly wash your hair
Regular shampooing keeps your scalp and hair clean and aids in preventing hair loss. It also reduces the chances of dandruff that can cause hair fall.
7. Avoid heat styling
If your hair happened frequently, and the hot procedure is working. This weakens your hair shaft. This makes your hair fragile and increases the chances of breakage and hair fall.
8.Avoid chemical treatments
Hair color and chemical treatment for straight hair loss and scalp. If you need color, try organic hair dyes, which may not contain ammonia and other chemicals.
9. Head massages
The main massages stimulate hair growth and help your pores. This way new growth ads will remain active.
10. Get an expert opinion for hair loss in men
The advice of a dermatologist can determine the cause of your hair loss. And men diagnosed with proper hair loss treatment. You need to tell them about your family history, medications, hair products and lifestyle. Sometimes your medication can be causing hair fall as a side effect of something simple.
Also, there are many medications available in the market that can prevent slow or male hair fall. Talk to your dermatologist about the best course of treatment for you.
11. Manage stress
High levels of stress can lead to numerous medical cases and conditions such as baldness areata. (Immune system attack pores), telogen effluvium (stress / shock-related hair loss). trichotillomania (desire to pull his hair out of your scalp). Therefore, it is very important to find a way to relieve stress. If you lose too much hair loss, this stress leads to stress.